Stick with quality with Q-Bond


Post created: 1 August 2022

Q-Bond have been servicing their clients with quality products for the last 20 years, whilst also saving them time and money. Q-Bond are committed to helping their customers fix nearly any product in the most simple, effective manner, whilst remaining committed to helping them make repairing almost anything at an affordable cost.  

A gasket is a mechanical seal that fills the space between two or more surfaces that are joined together to generally prevent leakage from or into the objects while under compression. Gasket sealers are used to hold the gasket in place between the flanges, reinforcing both the joint’s integrity and strength. Q-Bond have revolutionized the way gasket sealers work by innovatively creating a silicone based RTV flange sealant that combines medium viscosity, high strength with high flexibility to produce a stronger, more reliable adhesion product.

Quick-curing sealants and industrial-grade adhesives not only improve equipment reliability but also help protect brand reputation, lower energy costs, reduce housekeeping resources, and improve competitive advantage.

Shop Q-Bond’s innovative range exclusively at your nearest AutoZone store.